Friday 14 February 2014


    Working with presentation power point enables you to perform different operations, such as inserting a text, inserting pictures, changing the slide background and also adding footers.


To add text you need to go through some few steps:

1-Select START –ALL programs-Microsoft Office- Microsoft Office
Power point. Anew presentation is going to pop out in the microsoft power point window. AS shown in the following figure.
Microsoft powerpoint presentation

2- Click inside the CLICK TO ADD TITTLE placeholder. The shape of the cursor will change into an I-beam. As shown in the below figure.
Placeholder with an I-Beam cursor

3-Type the text you want similarly, you can also insert a text in the CLICK TO ADD SUBTITLE place holder


You may want to add slide for to include more information to the presentation which you need  to perform some few steps.

1-Open an existing presentation to which you want to add a slide.

2-Make sure that the  HOME tab is selected.

3- Click that NEW SLIDE drop- down arrow in the SLIDE groups and then select the desired theme you want. A new slide will be added to the presentation.


if you want to delete a slide , all you need is to perform these steps:

1-Open an existing presentation from which you want to delete a slide.

2-Then you select the slide you want to delete from the SLIDE tab.

3- Make sure the HOME tab is selected.

4- Click the DELETE button in the SLIDE group.


Thursday 6 February 2014


The slide show view enables you to run the presentation in a full screen mode.Press the F5 key to start the slide show of a presentaion.When you run a slide show,powerpoint 2007 displays one slide at a time.You can either proceed to the next slide in the presentation manually or configure the presentation to advance the slides automatically.

 To navigate during the slide show,you can use any of the following methods
  • Press the left mouse button to move to the next slide.
  • Right-click the mouse button and select the required option from the pop-up menu.
  • Press the RIGHT arrow key or DOWN arrow key to move to the next slide.
  • Press the LEFT arrow key or UP arrow key to move to the previous slide.
  • Press the SPACEBAR key to move to the next slide.
  • Press the Page Down key to the next slide.
  • Press the Page Up key to move to the previous slide.
  • Press the Esc to end the slide show

Monday 3 February 2014


windows explorer is the application that microsoft windows
uses to provide a graphical user interface for accessing the
file system. In addition to file management, Windows explorer
deals with functions tied to the windows start menu and also controls the windows searching function and file type association.

Windows explorer also provides you the property of changing 
the desktop screen. You  can apply beautiful pictures on your 
desktop screen and make it lively. Windows explorer also provides
 you another property known as accessories, which includes various
 options. The options included in accessories are as follows: 
calculator, notepad, and paint.

To accomplish a task in windows, you need to interact with a folder or a file
A file is a named collections of some information such as a program,a set 
of data used by a program or a user created document. A folder is a container
that contains other files or folders. it is shown in windows as an icon 
displaying a file folder. Folders are a means of organizing files and folders on a disk.